→Bit string literal

according to →IEC-standard→literal that directly represents a →bit string value of data type BOOLBYTEWORDDWORD, or LWORD

Examples for bit string literals




0, 123_4, +986

base 2 (binary literal)

2#1111_1111 (255 decimal), 2#1110_0000 (224 decimal)

base 8 (octal literal)

8#377 (255 decimal), 8#340 (224 decimal)

base 16 (hexadecimal literal)

16#FF or 16#ff (255 decimal), 16#E0 or 16#e0  (224 decimal)

above possibilities as typed literal of type BYTE, WORD, DWORD or LWORD
(if the value is positioned within the range of values for the specific type)

WORD#986, WORD#16#FF (255 decimal)

BOOL is a bit string data type. But only specific →Boolean literals are possible.